Incentive management for healthier teams

Create challenges and assign rewards directly in Slack

How Raidboss works

Raidboss adds unique slash commands to create challenges.
Write down a mission and assign a reward to start.
Problem is the most simple type of challenge.
1 problem — 1 user accepts — 1 user earns reward.
When you set up a quest, multiple users can accept, complete and earn rewards on their own.
Raid is a group challenge with a big reward.
A team is capable to complete the challenge, but it is unapproachable for individuals.


The reward represents immediate positive feedback.
It demonstrates a relation between efforts and results.
Enable types of rewards to your taste.


The corporate shop adds an incentive to keep people engaged.
Propose artifacts appropriate to the values of your company.


  • 1
    Common goal
    Personal success is impossible without the success of the entire team. There are no unwanted competition and intrigues.
  • 2
    Multiple roles
    Every ambitious challenge requires different skills and roles to be involved in the solution. Someone tanks while someone else has to heal.
  • 3
    Pull vs. Push
    Teammates make their own decision to join a raid. A person who pulls a task is more productive than a person who has been pushed with a task.
  • 4
    Public recognition
    Reward announcements are public. It makes a person to be proud of achievements. At the same time, it is a great example of correct behavior for the rest of the team.
  • 5
    A reward has to correspond to the complexity of a task. By getting a reward immediately, teammates establish an association between efforts and results.
  • 6
    Shared rewards
    An important component of a healthy team is fairness. Once a raid has been completed, teammates decide on their own how to share the rewards.
Start using Raidboss with your team in a minute


Team spirit
Allow teammates to perform the most suitable tasks and get assistance to focus on a team's goal.
Public recognition
Let people feel valuable. Highlight teammates with good performance to be a reference for everybody.
The practice of raids cultivates self-organization and create better feedback cycles for flat companies.
Healthy competition
By assigning a reward that is corresponding to the complexity of the task you define a performance metric connected with real business value.

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