Raidboss release notes
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April 2022 (plan)
1. Public release of Challenge chains
2. Public release of new Quiz feature
3. Jira Cloud guide

March 2022
1. Jira Marketplace release
2. Added new challenge mode without required Accept step - Complete challenges directly.
3. Slack support of best employee of the month.

February 2022
1. Added Groups/Clans feature to web panel with Slack support.
2. Added Best employee of the month feature settings.

January 2022
1. Released Jira Cloud integration V3 for private listing.

December 2021
1. Added nice web panel Raidboss intro.
2. Added multilingual support to web panel interface.

November 2021
1. Added team activiy feed to web panel.
2. Added web panel notification for all user-related events.

October 2021
1. Added challenges flow to web panel and user profile page with perks and notifications.

September 2021
1. Opened access to non-GM users to web panel (perks, challenges, leaderboard, thanks).

August 2021
1. Switched from Artifact to Perk wording.
2. Added support of Jira Cloud auto-closed challenges for issues.
3. Added side menu for control panel with handy links.

July 2021
1. Released Jira Cloud V2 integration with private listing.

June 2021
1. Added Jira Cloud integration with private listing.

May 2021
1. Added :coin: to rewards list.

April 2021
1. Added support of multiple external integranions on the workspace level.

March 2021
1. Added support of link to challenges mission for web panel.
2. Added weekly thanks stats.
3. Added support of emoji-picker to web panel.

February 2021
1. Added usefull page titles for web control panel to simplify navigation.
2. Added metatags to web control panel to improve bookmarks.

January 2021
1. Added schedule dialog to web control panel.
2. Added support of date format settings to scheduled challenges.

December 2020
1. Manage the preferred date and time format from the control panel settings.
2. Add acceptance or completion deadline for any of your challenges.

November 2020
1. And now you can also Thank your peers from the control panel.
2. Import Raidboss users from your Slack workspace.

October 2020
1. Now you can create and manage Challenges from the control panel with advanced settings.

September 2020
1. Added Thanks stats for web control panel.

August 2020
1. Added peer rewards with Thanks. Learn more in the guide.

July 2020
1. Simplified redemption flow and added an option for `Purchase for later`.
2. Added a list of all pending review complete requests on App dashboard.
3. Added a bulk redemption and an export to Excel from the control panel.

June 2020
1. Manage reward balances from the control panel. Read more in the guide.
2. Now you can use :carrot: emoji as your virtual currency.
3. Set up the default reward for any challenge. Read more in the guide.

May 2020
1. Added `\rb schedule` slash command to manage scheduled challenges.
2. Added handy shortcuts for `Create challenge`, `Leaderboard` and `Shop`.
3. Added info about your scheduled challenges to App Home.
4. Added support of Shared channels and Enterprise Grid.

April 2020
1. Added `Erase rewards` feature for control panel
2. Added support of [MISSION] [REWARDS] challenge format and comma listed rewards.
3. Added `Redeem requests` section for web control panel.
4. Added `Leaderboard` section for web control panel.

March 2020
1. Added support of Slack Auth granular permissions
2. Added intro guide for new users
3. Added reminders for Game Masters

February 2020
1. Introduced Team health insights
2. Added a new way to start challenges via Modals
3. Disabled default general congrats notifications
4. Added compact a view for challenges teasers and preview

December 2019
1. Added an App home dashboard with recent challenges
2. Fixed a source channel for scheduled challenges

October 2019
1. Updated landing page description and Slack App page.
2. Fixed list of available challenges for scheduled challenges and direct mentions.
3. Fixed various defects.

September 2019
1. Now you can schedule a publication of new challenges at a specific date, time and channel
2. Along with the schedule option, recurring challenges feature has been introduced
3. Using new `/rb challenges` command you can list available challenges in the current channel as a reminder for channel members
4. If you type something in DM with raidboss bot you see helpful tips and shortcuts to popular commands
5. By inviting a @raidboss bot into any channel you able to mention him as a regular user and get helpful tips.

August 2019
1. Added `/rb leaderboard` command with ranked user earnings. Learn more in our guide.
2. Added a settings screen for Game Masters:
- Deny acceptance of own challenges
- Turn author receipts on or off
- Disable Raidboss update messages (like this one)
Check out your settings.
3. Rewards now are displayed in a compact way.
4. `/rb help` command is now more fancy

July 2019
1. Fixed incorrect usage of user mention for receipts
2. Improved challenge notifications text
3. Fixed error messages during Raidboss installation
4. Fixed an error with login flow on the Raidboss site
5. Added compatibility of targeted challenges with big Slack communities
6. Added a limit for each artifact in the shop
7. Reduced amount of noisy messages when you create new challenges
8. Fixed issue with multiple rewards in a format like :gem::gem::gem: